Just Hold Me

Don’t tell me this is over
And swear we’ll continue
That we still love each other, like yesterday
We’re still there for each other
Because there’s no goodbye in sight

Please give breath to my prayers
Where are the letters that I sent?
If I lose you, what should I do now?
If I lose you, where should I go?
Honey, I just have one wish

Just hold me
But don’t hurt me
Look in my eyes
See, I’m crying, loving
How you’re needed in my life

Just hold me tightly
Stay here with me tonight
I’m entirely yours, not mine
Love me for the last time
(Just love me) one more time
Just hold me, don’t let go
Just hold me tight

I know I was always there for you
I was warmth in the cold
And if you really loved me, you
I have one wish, one wish

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