"Forbidden love"

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You said you would return my hope,
But I seem to have counted thirteen days.
I’m behind, behind the door,
I see the same pictures, the same chairs,
Remembering all that I’ve cried.

I look forward to this broken time here.
It’s cruel, this life is too hard
And there are only ghosts.
No, I really don’t know,
Don’t know what you’re doing with me.

Without you, tell me how,
How can I live in peace?
This is the death of the heart
Without you, forbidden love.

You broke everything in your path
Leaving me without a floor.
I felt, I still feel alone,
Thousands of miles below.

Without you, tell me how,
How can I live in peace?
This is the death of the heart
Without you, forbidden love.

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Erupción de Amor, desde este 27 de abril en tu plataforma de música en streaming favorita. 15 de mis poemas vueltos canciones gracias a la IA.