"Sweet dreams (Poema)"

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With you… there was only loneliness,
with you… I died and I was reborn;
I always lived as prisoner, loveless;
and missing what was, our home;
I always said you,
said… what I want.

Loveless, loveless,
alone, left in the cold,
alone, showing my soul.

My rol was be an inocent fool,
following you after to close the door;
all the same, I’ll always be,
I just wish you sweet, sweet dreams.

With you… there was only loneliness,
with you… I died and I was reborn;
I always lived as prisoner, loveless;
and missing what was, our home;
I always said you,
said… what I want.

Loveless, loveless,
while I wait for my turn,
since it started to burn.

My rol was be an inocent fool,
following you after to close the door;
all the same, I’ll always be,
I just wish you sweet, sweet dreams.

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Erupción de Amor, desde este 27 de abril en tu plataforma de música en streaming favorita. 15 de mis poemas vueltos canciones gracias a la IA.